Uses of Class

Uses of RoundingMode in org.znerd.math

Fields in org.znerd.math declared as RoundingMode
static RoundingMode RoundingModes.ROUND_CEILING
          Rounding mode that rounds towards positive infinity.
static RoundingMode RoundingModes.ROUND_FLOOR
          Rounding mode that rounds towards negative infinity.
static RoundingMode RoundingModes.ROUND_DOWN
          Rounding mode that rounds towards 0.
static RoundingMode RoundingModes.ROUND_UP
          Rounding mode that rounds away from 0.

Methods in org.znerd.math with parameters of type RoundingMode
 DigitSet RealNumber.round(int radix, int precision, RoundingMode roundingMode)
          Rounds to the specified radix, using the specified precision and rounding mode.
 DigitSet SmallIntegerNumber.round(int radix, int precision, RoundingMode roundingMode)
